Wednesday, May 27, 2009

28 May 09 - Ouchhhhhh!

Yesterday was like going through a living nightmare of pain.

I had - not one, but TWO booster jabs.
And worse, it wasn't done where I had heard they would do it (my bum) - they injected it right into my thighs! I was surprised, shocked, and outraged.

I never felt anything that hurt so badly in my life... I couldn't stop screaming. Daddy and Mummy were very anxious and looked so heart-pained to hear me crying. And after the horrible ordeal was over, they tried their best to comfort and pacify me. But the aching pain remained in my two legs, and even though the nurses put two small, cutely round plasters over my places of hurt, it was still totally uncomfortable and sore and - *sniff* - painful.

I cried and cried the whole afternoon even after we got home. By the time Daddy came home in the evening and took over carrying me, I was so exhausted and finally dozed off when he held me very snugly to him.

Later when I woke up, we were already in Por Por Kim's house for dinner. Mummy brought me to the table to sit with the family after eating. I tried to forget the pain and doze off. I dimly recall Shu shu David was giving the rest a lesson on playing this huge stringed instrument that was larger than me. I think they called it a guitar or something.

Daddy and Mummy brought me home soon after that to rest properly in bed.

This morning, it still hurts now, though not as bad as yesterday. Boy, I don't ever want to get near those fat needles againnn!!!

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