Monday, November 23, 2009

12 Nov 09 ~ Daddy's 26th Birthday!

Happi birthdae to yew,
Happi birthdae to yew,
Happi birthday to Dadddyyyyyy,

So we brought Daddy to eat crabs for a special birthday dinner treat! It's a very messi dish, they have to use their hands to eat it and there's shell and stuff too. It smelled good and looked good, but I don't know whether it tasted good or not. Daddy wanted to let me try, but Mummy said, "Chilli crab? Cannot!"
Aniway, here's me and Mummy. I'm smiling coz I just had a super full meal.. I managed to finish the WHOLE bottle of food! Grandma Kim was so amazed, and Mummy quite happy.

Daddy enjoying his birthday crabs!
Look. Just like what I said. So messiiiiiii!!!

Uncle Tom and Gu-gu Em were having a good time too.

They ate so long, it was almost my bedtime already, so Mummy fed me my milk as well so that I could knock off first once I wanted to.
Kor Niel was very farnie... These few days, whenever people take photo of him, he closes his eyes! Grandma Kim had to take so many times with him to try and get a "proper" shot.
The guys were trying to be hero.
He was supposed to hold his ears!
Chilli crab, the all-time Singaporean favorite delicursi. (I DONO HOW TO SPELL THAT WORD LAH!)
Fried chicken with Thai sauce... the rest said it was really good too.
HAHAHA. Actually, I really dono what was so funny also....
Me and my Grandmas. They couldn't get over my beanie cap. I couldn't wait to get out from under it.
Look at our expressions! Priceless, yes? :D

I'm not too sure what happened after dinner. The rest of the family were discussing about some dessert and stuff, but it's just a blank space in my memory coz I fell asleep in the car on the way back...

I think Daddy enjoyed himself, though.

And of course I did too. I love hanging out with Mummy and Daddy and the relatives!

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