Saturday, October 31, 2009

31 Oct 09 ~ The Day is cold, and dark, and dreary

Finally after a busy few weeks, my gu-gu Em managed to get up the movie she promised to make for me! It's here for you if you wish to see.

I actually have several things on my mind to say, but as the clock is fast approaching my bed-time, I shall post-pone it till the next entry. Mummy is calling me to get to my bed cot, and Aunty Mary has already prepared my milk. I need to get a good rest because tomorrow is Sunday and we'll be going to church! I'm looking forward to meeting my other friends in the Cry Room to play with them.

Enjoy the video then and nitez!~


  1. I LOVE IT! Such a cutie pie. :)

    She was making some facial expressions that Mikaela makes too, I wish they could meet!! That would be so awesome!

  2. Yeah, I wish they could meet too! Avril loves playing with other babies :) Hope Mikaela is doing just as well~~ <3
